Transition Lessons
There are currently two Year 7 Transition classes following the same curriculum as all other year 7 students in Maths, English, RE, Geography and History. With a maximum class size of 16 students, our groups receive the best possible learning opportunities. They work towards the same learning goals as the rest of their peers in Year 7, with one exception, MFL (French).
By teaching our students this range of subjects, usually in the same classroom, links can be made between the various topics, making learning meaningful and relevant. Strengths and areas of weakness are quickly identified and planning adjusted to suit the individual needs of our students.
Each class has additional support. Liaison between them, the teachers, SEN, pastoral and/or EAL helps ensure any concerns are swiftly addressed.
If a child makes good progress and demonstrates skill in both Maths and English, which match or exceed those in other groups, a move from Transition will be recommended.
Ultimately, our goal is to give students the best possible introduction to St. John’s School by offering a learning environment where they feel confident and happy.
The only difference is the delivery of the lessons.
Our Transition teachers have a track record of delivering Good and Outstanding lessons.